CoffeeSafe is an independent health and safety driven organisation. Our primary aim is to continually Improve safety, Raise standards and Promote awareness within the coffee industry.
We do this by applying a ‘Think Safety First’ attitude at all times.
We work in close partnership with industry manufacturers, suppliers and service providers, to maintain the safety of traditional espresso, bean to cup coffee machines and self-serve vending machines.
We are very proud to work with over 150 coffee machine service providers and manufacturers. We have trained over 1000 established coffee machine engineers on the introductory course to the Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000.
Safety | Technology | Innovation
CoffeeSafe are industry leading professionals in applying the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 to all aspects of the Coffee Industry. We specialise in providing Written Schemes of Examination to comply with these regulations.
CoffeeSafe is drawing on over 30 years ‘experience in pressure system safety to develop a fast, efficient and cost-effective system for the delivery of examination reports and Written Schemes of Examinations as well as back-office administration.

What has been achieved
- Promoted a Safety-First Approach within the Coffee Industry
- Over 100,000 Coffee Machines have WSE’s and Examinations Carried Out
- Implemented a Standard for Thorough System Examinations
- Increased Awareness and Application of PSSR throughout the Coffee Industry
- Carry out independent safety audits to provide quality assurance
- Established an Efficient Approach to Increase Profitability
Our mission:
Is to challenge and innovate the existing status quo industries, those in which companies fight to protect their old ways, their old-fashioned business models.
There is always a better way.